Money making insights can be found in the strangest places…

For instance, many are wondering how life will be after the virus.

Despite the shutdown, there are other things moving along quicker than expected.

Today the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket rolled to launch pad earlier than usual for next Starlink mission.

When deep space exploration ramps up, it will be corporations that name everything. The IBM Stellar Sphere. The Philip Morris Galaxy. Planet Starbucks. - Jack from Fight Club

I doubt a Phillips Morris Galaxy will ever come to fruition there could be a Planet SpaceX one day.

Folks will we say we used to call it Mars…

A far-fetched scenario maybe, but the truth is the commercialization of space is happening before our very eyes.

And the 5G wireless revolution is one of the biggest reasons we’re back in the space race.
Commercialized Space, Today

Commercialized space travel will soon be cheaper than we ever thought possible.

Back in November Elon Musk met with officials from the U.S. Air Force to discuss his plans for Starship, SpaceX’s first ship planned for manned flight. Cutting costs is the big promise.

Currently, it costs $62 million to launch one of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rockets.
But Musk’s new Starship would be able to run missions at $2 million a piece.

As far as a timeline, SpaceX President Gwynne Shotwell claims Starship could be operational by sometime in 2020.

Starship has the potential to change how people go to space.
There’s a lot at stake here.

And with 5G on the brink, it’s becoming more and more obvious the space race hinges on the creation of new, high-powered communication networks.

This 5G Stock Is Set To Spike Higher

Grab a piece of paper and pen to write this down…

Because you’re about to see the name and ticker symbol of the ONLY 5G STOCK every investor should own.

You can get the name and ticker of this company right here, no strings attached. But you better act fast…

Because the Federal Communications Commission, the government agency in charge of 5G, just scheduled a major announcement that would send shares soaring once announced.

Don't miss out. Click Here to Get #1 5G play for 2020 before the next market close.

SpaceX Becomes World’s Largest Satellite Operator

Our technological future won’t come about because of one single technology, but from the convergence of many in mutual support of one another.

And one key pillar of this new tech paradigm is 5G.

The need for lightening fast, broad-ranging networks with little to no latency will be the backbone of all future technological promises.

It’s no surprise to me that Elon Musk’s SpaceX is in the process of creating its own global broadband data network. And you can believe Google, Amazon and others are in the process of doing so too.

But right now SpaceX leads the way and this industry is growing fast…

Last year SpaceX received FCC approval to place 1 million tiny communications satellites into orbit as part of its Starlink satellite internet service.

Operations have since been underway and to date, Falcon 9 missions have successfully placed 240 satellites into orbit.

This venture has also made SpaceX the largest satellite operator on the planet and with up to 20 more launches planned this year their footprint in 5G will only get bigger.

But SpaceX is a private company, how do everyday investors take advantage of this fast-paced space race?

Tapping the Space Race for Profits

One way to get early access i shared with readers a few days ago was with Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic (NYSE: SPCE).

This name rocketed higher in January and February but sharply sold off in March.

It's still a great way to play the space race, but it's not favorite.

My favorite way to play the space race is with one of the few public companies working to advance global communications through low-Earth orbit satellite constellations.

I feel it's well-positioned to profit from the space race and the 5G rollout.

The company also owns a 56% stake in Xtar.

56% stake in Xtar. Xtar is a Spanish telecommunications bringing low-Earth orbit constellations to Europe.

I discussed this company in great detail with readers of Wealthy Tech Investor, so I can't provide you the exact company.

However, if you're not part of Wealthy Tech Investor, take a few minutes to google what I provided, you'll be able to figure it out.

It's still trading at a great entry point before it soars higher.