Hot Money Trader

Following Hot Money Signals For Fast Gains!

About Hot Money Trader

“Hot Money” signal are the only way to predict explosive moves in real-time - days before they occur.

We’re talking about trades that capture gains as high as 900% in eight days… 1,103% in 15 days….1,797% in 14 days ... even 100% in less than an hour. 

Hot money signals are nothing like the typical trades made by everyday folks…

They’re huge investments made by confident investors on the inside placing all-or-nothing bets on a single stock.

If the insiders making those trades are wrong, they lose all the money they’ve wagered…

Who’s willing to take such a big risk? Someone who’s dead certain they’re going to be right!

Wall Street insiders spend billions on research. They have thousands of highly paid analysts on staff. And they have connections you can only dream of.

They know things we don’t.

But following Hot Money signals tip you off to major market moves BEFORE they happen.

With Joshua Belanger at the helm, our aim at Hot Money Trader is to show you how to use Hot Money signals to profit from hidden insider activity allowing you to create a hands free retirement.  

Our systems scours the market every single day looking for Hot Money activity — that tips us off to where the big gains in the market are coming from next.

Benefits: What You Get With Hot Money Trader

  • 52 New Hot Money Trade Every Monday Morning

  • Urgent Hot Money Profit Alerts: Each time it’s time to cash in on smart money, I’ll send you an urgent email alert with precise information on how to exit each trade for maximum gains.

  • Your FREE weekly update every Friday, where I will go over all the trades of the week.

  • Model Portfolio Updates: I’ll send you a recap of our open plays and what to do with them once big market events break.


"Joshua, I sold early @ $0.67 / contract for a 51.95% profit! Thanks for the great trade!”


Sample Performance

Triple your investments in under a month…
Quadruple your investments in just 1 week…
Or having the opportunity to lock in gains of 100% in just hours after entering a trade...