How To Navigate The Coronavirus Sell-Off

BY Joshua Belanger | FebFebFebFeb-FriFri-20202020 

This was a tough week.

February will go down as the worst month since 2009.

While we were expecting a pullback, it's nothing of this size.

Instead, the Nasdaq 100 has registered its fastest-ever 10% decline from all-time highs.

The coronavirus outbreak has caused global assets to be repriced.

This repricing has caused a snowball effect of panic.

I wrote a few days ago, It’s painful when you look at the big red numbers the mainstream media shows every few minutes.

Many will feel sick to their stomach as they review their investment account, 401k or IRA over the weekend.

It's going to take some time for the broad market to sort itself out.

After it does, there will be a lot of opportunities.

The key is not to get frustrated and make rash decisions.

Remember, in the long run, strategic buy, manage and hold will beat the market and create wealth.

So, remain patient and trust the process.

At Wealthy Tech Investor, I promise to navigate you through any market and come out on top.

Your new March issue of Wealthy Tech Investor will be out next week.

Once it's published online, I'll email and let you know.

We're here for you every step of the way and continue to bring you gains no matter the conditions out there.



