Welcome To Hot Money Trader

Thank you for subscribing to Hot Money Trader, published by CounterVest.

It’s great to have you on board.

In this message, you’ll find all of the bonus material you’re entitled to. You’ll also find information on exactly what your bank statement will look like from us.

Before we get to that though, I want to prepare you for the first few days as a member of Hot Money Trader.

Tomorrow morning, you’ll receive the first email in my five-day Welcome Series. Over the next five days, I’ll personally walk you through what you can expect from our newsletter and your subscription.

With that in mind, please add [email protected], to your contact list.

That way future emails from Joshua Belanger's Hot Money Trader, including your Welcome Series, won’t hit your junk box.

To your wealth, freedom, and options!

Joshua M. Belanger
Editor, Hot Money Trader

Your Special Reports

The Hot Money Trader Handbook

Hot Money Survival Guide

Finding The Right Options Broker

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