Flash Sell: Exit Into This Market Rally Today

April 17, 2020

In markets such as this, we want to sell into the move.

  • Sell-to-close Glu Mobile Inc. (NASDAQ: GLUU) June 19, 2020, $7 call (GLUU200619C00007000) up to $1.30 limit per contract or better.

We opened the Glu Mobile Inc. (NASDAQ: GLUU) June 19, 2020, $7 call before the big market drop in March.

We still have 63 days on this position before expiration.

But, we don't trade options to tie up capital and inventory positions for that amount of time.

We look for quick profit opportunities.

The recent rally has brought prices right back to our entry point.

Getting back to even isn’t a win, but it’s best we exit this position.

By exiting we can use our capital for a better opportunity.

Closing this trade right now will scratch this position.

Here's what we're doing...

Action to Take:

  • In your brokerage account, locate the GLUU June 19, 2020, $7 call:
  • Locate the options in your portfolio with the ticker: GLUU.
  • The symbol is GLUU200619C00007000.
  • Select how many contracts you want to sell.
  • Once you have the right contract, click "sell to close."
  • Choose "limit order." (This sets the max price you'll pay per contract).
  • Use a limit of $1.30 per contract.
  • Click "Day" for TIF (Time In Force).
  • Then click "sell" to transmit the order.

You can also call your broker and say, "I want to sell to close GLUU June 19, 2020, $7 call with a $1.30 limit or better."





Joshua M. Belanger
Joshua Belanger is founder of CounterVest and the editor of Hot Money Trader. He has been providing ordinary investors blockbuster returns since 2008. In 2018, the average return of Hot Money Trader beat the markets by over 15%