Today’s market weakness has allowed us to pocket more gains!

Our profit target just triggered on your ALLY October 18, 2019, $33 puts.

Closing this trade right now will book a 63% gain on this trade.

With prices coming into support at the 50-day moving average, it makes sense to exit and move onto the next trade.

Here’s what to do…

We’re selling to close our ALLY October 18, 2019, $33 puts at $1.10 limit or better.

Action to Take:

You can also call your broker and say, "I want to sell to close ALLY October 18, 2019, $33 puts at $1.10 limit or better, for the day."

Congrats on your winning Hot Money trade!

We love hearing about your success, so please take a few moments to let me know how YOU personally fared in this trade. I’d love to hear from you. You can email me here [email protected].

To your wealth, freedom & options!