We have two new buy alerts that have triggered.
Here's what we're doing...
Buy-To-Open the Cameco Corp (NYSE: CCJ) April 16, 2021, $21 call (CCJ210319C00022000) up to $0.67 per contract or better, for the day.
Our monitor triggered this new buy alert after a new $18.6 million dollar Hot Money Trade was just placed in the April expiration.
Now, we’re going to manage our risk by setting our profit target at $0.87 and our stop-out price at $0.40 per contract.
Buy-To-Open the International Game Tech (NYSE: IGT) April 16, 2021, $21 call (IGT210416C00021000) up to $0.70 per contract or better, for the day.
Our monitor triggered this new buy alert after a new $12 million dollar Hot Money Trade was just placed in the June expiration.
Now, we’re going to manage our risk by setting our profit target at $0.91 and our stop-out price at $0.42 per contract.
Let’s manage our risk before entry and I’ll be keeping you updated every step of the way.
To your wealth, freedom, and options!
Joshua M. Belanger