We have a new Hot Money buy alert that has triggered.
- We're buying to open the Melco Resorts & Entertainment Limited (NASDAQ: MLCO) Feb. 21, 2020, $22 call up to $0.55 per contract or better, for the day.
This new bullish signal triggered back to back days and Hot Money is positioning for prices to soar higher in the coming days.
If our Hot Money signal is correct, then our call options would quickly increase into a double or triple-digit gain!
Here's what we're doing...
Action to Take:
- In your brokerage account, locate the MLCO Feb. 21, 2020, $22 call:
- The symbol is MLCO200221C00022000.
- Search for options under the stock ticker: MLCO.
- Make sure you choose the right options expiration (expiring on Feb. 21, 2020).
- Choose the $22 strike price.
- Select "call" options. Select how many contracts to buy.
- Once you have the right contract, click "buy to open."
- Choose "limit order." (This sets the max price you'll pay per contract).
- Use a limit of $0.55 per contract.
- Click "Day" for TIF (Time In Force).
- Then click "buy" to transmit the order.
You can also call your broker and say, "I want to buy to open MLCO Feb. 21, 2020, $22 call with a $0.55 limit or better; for the day."
To your wealth, freedom, and options!