Dear Reader,

Take a look at this strange sequence of market orders …

Because if you can spot that long, odd-looking number that appears out of nowhere…

You could walk away with as much as $10,990 in the next 5 days.

It’s a hidden number that’s appeared before EVERY major stock move I’ve seen in my 17-year career trading in the pits of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.

Even though this number is available to YOU right now…

99% of investors don’t know how to spot it.

And that’s a shame… because it’s the easiest way to pocket real cash, real fast…

As much as $9,000 in 15 days… $11,030 in 14 days… even $10,900 in just 5 days.

Today, I’m going to show you how.

My friends on Wall Street won’t be happy I’m sharing this secret with you.

Pay close attention… because I don’t know for how long I’ll be able to keep this online.

Let’s get started…

$11,030 Payout… Just Like That!

Look what happened with global copper miner Freeport McMoran (FCX) in December…

I bet most investors were trying to analyze the company’s earnings…

Its debt levels…

And growth potential…

But all that was a big waste of time…

Because all you really needed to know was this sequence of numbers…

See, on December 7, 2017, something strange happened…

Out of the blue, an odd-looking number, 20432780, interrupted the normal flow.

As you can see, it’s much longer than the rest…

And just days after it appeared, shares of Freeport McMoran soared higher…

And had you placed one simple trade when that sequence appeared…

You could have pocketed a small fortune…

I’m talking about a 1,103% gain…

Turning a small $1,000 investment into $11,030 in just 14 days.

Most investors would be happy with 1,000%+ gain in a decade…

But this happened in just two weeks.

And this wasn’t an isolated case.

Just one week after that payday, two more odd-looking numbers popped up… out of the blue…

And both could have “tipped you off” to even more massive gains in mere days…

A Quick Paycheck For $9k

The first happened with home improvement giant Lowe’s…

Again, you see one similar-looking market order… one after another…

Line after line…

Until this outlier appears suddenly: 24269889.

This trade number sticks out… it’s much longer that the rest…

It appeared out of nowhere…

And a short time after it hit, look what happened to Lowe’s shares…

Another extraordinary stock spike just days after that odd number pops up…

Had you placed on simple trade when that number appeared…

You could have turned a small $1,000 investment into $9,000 roughly 2 weeks later…

That’s like collecting a quick paycheck for 9 grand…

A nice retirement account sweetener with almost no effort!

And you didn’t need to look at fancy charts, graphs or one bit of financial data to do it.

But that wasn’t the only strange sequence that day…

Another one appeared in the trade flow for pharmaceutical company Juno Therapeutics (JUNO)…

Same day… same normal trade flow…

Until this happened…

There it is… another odd-looking number: 3405113.

But with the same effect…

Shortly after, JUNO shares shot to the moon…

Had you placed on simple trade when that number appeared, you could have seen a huge 833% gain…

Turning a $1,000 investment into $8,330…

That’s more than 8 times your money… in just a few weeks.

And the hits kept coming in December…

Because just about a week later, two more odd sequences surfaced.

A $10,990 Profit In Just 5 Days…

The first one happened in the market order flow of toymaker Mattel (MAT)…

Everything looked normal…

But there’s an odd-looking long number again: 6731660.

And just 5 days after it appeared, Mattel shares went through the roof…

Had you been able to spot that number when it appeared…

You could have gotten in that trade 5 days BEFORE Mattel shares skyrocketed…

Giving you the chance to pocket a 1,099% gain…

Turning $1,000 into $10,990 in just 5 days…

What would you do with that kind of fast cash?

Spoil your grandkids with a first-class Disney vacation…

Take your spouse on a luxurious European holiday…

Pay off some annoying debt…

It’s your call.

But don’t stop counting your money yet…

Because that same day, this odd numeric sequence appeared for International Paper (IP)…

Another normal batch of market orders interrupted by this outlier: 1415678.

Guess what happened next?

Not long after, IP shares shot higher…

Giving you the chance to turn a $1,000 investment into $8,040.

That’s a huge 804% gain!

Another trade for more than 8 times your money in about 3 weeks.

That’s the kind of cash you can collect when you see these special numbers appear.

Do you see how easy this can be?

Look, if you’re the kind of person who likes to spend hours and hours analyzing boring financial statements…

Knock yourself out.

As for me, I prefer to make easy money…

The kind where you just need to spot one odd-looking number…

Then place one simple trade…

Get out for a big gain… in a matter of days.

And then do it again.

Because When You See That Odd-Looking Number, It’s The Signal of a “Sure Bet”…

Hi, I’m Joshua Belanger.

You may have seen my trading insights featured in Bloomberg, The Wall Street Journal, Reuters, Yahoo Finance Money Show, and Traders Expo.

I was fortunate to start my trading career on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.

That’s where I learned how to spot the odd-looking numbers that can tip you off to huge stock market spikes BEFORE they happen.

You see, those numbers are the only thing that matters in the market because they show the flow of market orders…

And while most market orders look pretty much the same…

Every once in a while you’ll see one that stands out from the rest.

Simply put, that odd-looking number is what I call a “sure bet.”

A trade of more than $1 million that must be right in 30 days or less… or every penny is lost.

Let me repeat that…

The traders placing these bets must be CERTAIN that the trade will work… or they can lose millions.

As you can probably imagine, these are not market orders from mom and pop.

These come from Wall Street powerhouses that spend billions to gain access to inside information that you and I don’t have.

They have thousands of expert analysts…

They have deep insider connections…

In short, they know what’s coming before you do.

When they make these trades, they’re SURE they’re going to be right.

So they make HUGE multimillion-dollar trades on that special info.

And because these “sure bets” happen BEFORE every major market move I’ve seen…

All you need to do to profit is to place one simple trade when you see that odd-looking number.

It couldn’t be easier. But you might be wondering…

If This Is So Easy, Why Isn’t Everyone Doing This?

The reason is simple…

Most everyday investors don’t even know that trade flow data exists…

And the few who do are looking at the WRONG place.

They rely on things like 13-d SEC filings…

Which show big trades from the big traders on Wall Street.

The problem is that document is only published 90 days AFTER those trades are made.

By the time everyday folks like you see those trades…

The insiders are already spending their profits on a brand-new Ferrari…

Popping a $11,000 bottle of Dom Pérignon on their yacht…

Or kicking back on a private Caribbean beach.

All the money has already been made… and you’re left with the table scraps.

It doesn’t have to be like that.

As you’re about to see, there’s a way for you to track those “sure bets” in REAL TIME.

With zero delay.

It’s almost like you’re trading right alongside these insiders.

All you need to do is place one simple trade when you see that odd-looking number…

Then cash out a few days later with a fortune.

It’s as simple as that.

Just Look How I Made National News
By Calling This 35,722% Sure Bet…

Back on December 4, 2009…

In a quiet afternoon of trading…

While most traders were leaving for the weekend…

I saw this odd-looking number on my screen…

Most people don’t know this…

But this 8-digit number 10877092 was a “sure bet.”’

Someone placed a $10.7 million trade, betting that New York Community Bank (NYB) shares were headed higher in a hurry…

Did they know something big would happen to the bank over the weekend?

All I cared about was the data told me something was up…

So I alerted everyday folks to this unusual activity on Twitter…

Sure enough…

Just two hours after the market closed that day…

The FDIC announced that NYB was taking over AmTrust Bank’s $12 billion in assets in a rescue effort.

New York Community Bank shares popped on the news…

And the investors who placed those late-Friday trades pocketed an incredible gain of 35,722%… in just a few hours of trading!

That’s enough to turn $1,000 into $358,222…

A retirement fortune… made in a matter of hours…

Simply by placing one simple trade when that odd-number appeared.

Average investors had no idea the acquisition would happen…

Nothing was reported in the news…

The media was truly clueless. In fact, the New York Post contacted me looking for explanations.

And they quoted me later:

“The [‘sure bet’] activity was off the charts,” said Joshua Belanger, an options market analyst. “It looks like it was New York Community Bank insiders who were told of pending information.”

If you had spotted that odd-looking sequence as I did at the time…

You could have walked away with a life-changing fortune of $358,222.

Imagine turning to your spouse and saying… “Honey, I just added more than $350,000 to our nest egg!”

That’s the kind of BIG money you can make…

Just by following this hidden numeric pattern…

Because These Sure Bets Are The Only Thing that Matters…

Sure, you can analyze earnings, debt, growth and any other financial metric all you want…

But how you do know these people are not cooking the books…

Or manipulating the accounting numbers to make their company look way better than it really is?

I mean, do you really want to trust Wall Street?

These people LIE all the time about what’s actually happening with their companies.

What they tell the public is much different than how they actually invest their money.

Most people end up falling for it.

But when you can identify their “sure bets,” you can ignore the deceptive spin…

And focus on the only thing that matters:

The massive bets Wall Street insiders are actually placing with their own money…

Because While Wall Street Constantly Misleads you… Money Never Lies!

Case in point…

On March 12, 2008, Bear Stearns CEO Alan Schwartz told millions of CNBC viewers that all was well with his company…

But behind-the-scenes, as Schwartz was speaking…

Investors with access to the full story that you and I didn’t have were making massive bets against his company.

They were making sure bets.

Bear Stearns was trading near $60 at the time…

But big traders rushed in to buy put options that were “out of the money”…

That means they were betting their own money that Bear Stearns shares were headed lower than $25.

Someone even placed a $1.7 million bet that Bear Stearns would collapse within just 9 days.

That’s because these traders knew that Schwartz was just another sleazy Wall Street fat cat.

These sure bets were basically predicting his company’s bankruptcy…

Guess what? Just days later Bear Stearns went belly up.

Many folks like you lost ALL of their investment because they trusted Wall Street.

Lives were ruined because of that lie.

Meanwhile, the insiders were laughing all the way to the bank.

But had you been able to spot these sure bets, you could have been right along side them.

That’s why I made it my mission to find a way to track these sure bets in REAL TIME.

And what I found blew me away…

By tracking these real time data, for the first time ever you can turn the tables on Wall Street for good.

Just look what happened in January…

An $81,200 Retirement Jackpot In Just One Month

Below is the market order flow from 1/4/18…

Everything looks basically the same…

But then this odd-looking number appears: 22733172…

This was a $2.2 million “sure bet” that shares of IT service company Blackhawk Network Holdings would head higher in the next 30 days…

Just 12 days later, The Motley Fool reported that a private equity group acquired Blackhawk on 1/16/18…

Blackhawk shares soared…

Somebody knew something big was about to happen to Blackhawk when you didn’t.

But it didn’t matter.

If you had identified the 8-digit figure that appeared in the data flow….

You could have traded alongside this sure bet…

Giving you the chance to capture a 376% gain…

Turning an investment of $5,000 into $18,800.

And keep in mind, that’s only one trade in January…

There were more sure bets to come…

Just look at the market orders for Fiat on 1/5/18…

Everything was seemingly normal until this odd-looking number appeared: 2588235…

Flagging a $2.5 million “sure bet” that global automaker Fiat Chrysler’s shares would spike within 30 days…

And this one didn’t take long to pay off…

Just 6 days later Fiat shares jumped higher when Reuters reported:

Did insiders know about the company’s big plans to increase production?

You certainly didn’t.

But you didn’t need to…

All you needed to do was identify that one odd number because that was a “sure bet”…

And you could have pocketed a quick 400% gain on Fiat…

Turning a $5,000 investment into $20,000.

Now, that’s just two “sure bets” in January…

And you could have pocketed $38,800…

But we’re not close to being done yet…

Just days after that trade hit, this anonymous data flow came through on 1/11/18…

Normal trading activity…

Until the 8-digit outlier hit: 33054849.

Most people had no clue what those numbers meant…

But that was a massive $33 million dollar sure bet in Las Vegas Sands Corp (LVS)…

Think about that for a moment…

Someone went “all in” that Las Vegas Sands Corp. shares were going higher in 30 days…

If they were wrong, they would lose all $33 million!

Did they have insider information?

I can’t say for sure…

All I know is I would only bet $33 million in a single trade if I was 100% certain it would be profitable.

Sure enough, LVS shares popped on 1/29/18…

When Seeking Alpha reported that Las Vegas Sands’ net income had more than doubled.

Giving you the opportunity to turn an investment of $5,000 into $27,050… just by identifying that one 8-digit number.

Now, that’s just 3 sure bets in January alone…

And you had the chance to be up $65,850…

That’s how powerful sure bets are.

And you’re still not done for the month!

Take a look at this data flow that came through on pharmaceuticals company Abbot Laboratories (ABT) on 1/22/18…

A steady stream of sameness until this 8-digit number hit: 27997900.

This number simply meant someone placed a sure bet of $27 million that Abbot shares would shoot higher.

Just 30 days to be right or all $27 million is lost!

Who makes that kind of bet?

Someone who knew some good news was just around the corner.

Just 3 days later, CNBC reported:

Abbot shares jumped on the unexpected news…

Giving you a chance to pocket a 325% in just 3 days.

Imagine investing $5,000 on a Monday… and cashing out with $16,250 the following Thursday.

Where else can you more than triple your money in 3 days?

Those are the kind of returns you can expect from spotting this numeric pattern.

In just one month of “sure bets” this past January, you could have collected a payout of $82,100…

$82k is a very good salary for most people.

And yet, you could have made all that in just one month by following these sure bets.

How would you spend that kind of quick cash?

It’s entirely up to you…

Buy yourself a brand-new Porsche 911…

Take your favorite foursome to play at Pebble Beach.

Or have the peace of mind to be debt-free once and for all…

Either way, “sure bets” can give you the stress-free freedom to live the life you’ve always wanted.

And if you’re thinking this sounds too good to be true, extensive university research has confirmed the power of these sure bets.

How “Sure Bets” Can Add
$3 Million to the Average Retirement

Look, when I started in the trading pits, I noticed that the “big money” traders ¬– the ones who were REALLY RICH – waited until the heavy hitters like Goldman Sachs… Merrill Lynch… and Morgan Stanley made their bets…

And then they traded “alongside” them… copying their trades.

It made perfect sense to me…

In fact, researchers from Harvard and Yale found that insiders beat the stock market by an incredible 11.2% per year!

That means you could too… just by tracking these sure bets from insiders.

That kind of outperformance is enough to add an extra $3 million to the average retirement account over the years.

And two separate studies from the University of Michigan and the University of Illinois found that insiders enjoyed “abnormal returns.”

Look, the truth is we don’t need academics to tell us that Wall Street has an unfair advantage over the little guy.

We all know that, right?

We all know Wall Street is profiting from a rigged game…

They’ve been cashing in on special information you could only dream of having access to.

Upcoming mergers… earnings surprises… major political developments… little-known economic data… you name it.

The fact is information shared behind closed doors in the corridors of Wall Street moves stock prices.

And even though insiders will never tell you about this info…

You can still outsmart them at their own game…

By keeping track of their trades…. And getting ahead of big unexpected market moves.

That’s why I’ve developed a system to identify these multi-million “sure bets” from the big dogs on Wall Street

I know everyday folks like you who don’t have access to the trading floor would never be able to track these bets.

You see, there are millions of these trades happening
each and every day…

That means there are billions of data points to sort through.

And the data comes through fast and heavy…

Most people don’t even know what they’re looking at…

Never mind having the ability to sort through and analyze it all.

That’s why they end up missing these “sure bets”.

But that’s all my revolutionary system does… 24/7…

It pinpoints where the opportunity for a big payday is happening.

All you need to do is place one simple trade when you see that odd-looking number.

As far as I know, this is the only way of tracking these sure bets in REAL TIME…

Giving you an unfair advantage in the market.

I’ve already shared this “sure bet” system with a small group of “beta-testers”…

And the results they’ve seen have been spectacular…

Members Are Raving About This Sure Bet System

Just look what happened with Jeff W…

“After More Than 6 Years of Trading…
My Biggest Winner Ever!”

Jeff W., a retiree from Michigan, had been trading for a few years when I first sent him a beta test alert…

He had never seen anything like this system.

So he didn’t know if my system would work.

My alert showed a “sure bet” trade in National Semiconductor Corporation (NSM)…

Somebody was certain that shares were headed higher fast…

And my system flagged the trade.

Even though Jeff was skeptical, he followed my recommendation and made two trades…

Just two weeks later, this news broke…

National Semiconductor shares soared more than 73% on the news.

Jeff was speechless. He made enough to turn a $2,500 investment into $55,000…

More money than he had ever made from the markets.

He wrote to tell me:

“I got 1,300% and 2,200% gains. Awesome trades! After more than 6 years of trading… my biggest winners ever!”

Imagine if that happened to you…

How would $55,000 change your life?

And Jeff is one of many…

Javier G., a 52-year-old electrician from Michigan, wrote in to say:

I bought at $0.30 and sold at $1.55. Nice! A 416% gain. Thanks for the info!

Can you remember the last time you made more than 4 times your money on just one trade? Javier can!

And Frank P., a 56-year-old teacher from New Jersey, sent me this note:

“Big shout out for the [‘sure bet’] head's up. Great profit – $6,750.

Frank pocketed nearly $7k from following just one “sure bet.”

Those are just a few of the hundreds of “beta testers” who’ve already profited from following my “sure bet” system.

OK, by now you’re probably dying to know how I learned how to identify these sure bets…

Here’s What I’m Allowed to Tell You…

I can’t reveal all of the details of my proprietary formula here…

That would be like Colonel Sanders giving away all 11 of his
secret herbs and spices in Kentucky Fried Chicken.

But I can give you some basics to help you understand how it works…

The first thing you should know is that the strange numeric pattern I’ve been showing you is NOT published anywhere…

You need to look at the options market and crunch some data in order to find that number.

You see, the people placing these sure bets aren’t amateurs…

They’re sophisticated market players…

They’re looking to make as much money as possible…

That’s why they use the options markets.

Options allow you to “turbocharge” the gains you get from regular stocks.

See, “sure bets” are trades of more than $1 million on options that expire in 30 days or less.

Because the option expires in a matter of days…

These traders must be ABSOLUTELY SURE that they trade will work… or they can lose millions.

Well, by looking at their options trades, you can tell exactly when they’re placing a sure bet.

To show you what I mean, have a look at the trading ticket below…

It shows options trade data for the Lowe’s trade I mentioned above…

Most people have no idea what all these numbers mean…

But each field represents things like expiration date {exp}, volume {vol}, price {$}, etc.

The {vol} field, for example, shows the number of contracts traded for a particular stock.

If that number is high, that indicates there’s a lot of action in a stock…

In other words, something special might be going on.

That’s a good sign that a “sure bet” has been made.

But that’s not all…

See, things become really interesting and a bit more complex when I plug all those numbers into my proprietary formula below.

Size of “Sure Bet”: Strike Volume x Delta x Stock Price

I don’t want to bore you to death with math details…

But if you plug Lowe’s data into that formula, you can tell that’s a $2.4 million bet on an option that’s expiring in 30 days or less.

That meant they only had 30 days to be right.

If they’re wrong, they would lose every penny of their millions.

For someone to place such a large bet with so little time, they had to know something, right?

That’s why this trade registered as a “sure bet” trade in my system.

If what I just revealed sounds complicated… no worries…

My “sure bet” formula does all the hard work for you…

It’s a proprietary trading platform that scans billions of data points like this daily to identify “sure bet” opportunities.

And when it does, it spits out an odd-looking number in the trade flow of stocks on my screen.

That’s how I’m able to identify what “in the know” trades are happening in real time…

And that’s how you can get in these trades before the stocks shoot higher.

Remember, you won’t find those bets on the Wall Street Journal…

You won’t hear about them on CNBC…

And you will never read about them in real time in any SEC filings…

My system is the ONLY way I know of trading these “sure bets”…

It’s designed specifically to spot “sure bet” stocks BEFORE they soar…

Giving you the chance to pocket $9,000 in 15 days, $11,030 in 14 days, and even $10,990 in just 5 days.

Even better…

You Can Get Started with as Little as $100

This is only possible because I combine my proprietary formula with the same moneymaking tool the insiders use.

Like I mentioned before, these traders placing these sure bets use options to maximize their profits.

And because we’re following the same “sure bet,” we do the same exact thing.

Options allow us to magnify the upside of our trades.

Now, if you’re the “slow and steady type,” you could still do well just by buying shares of companies following a “sure bet” flag.

But if you want to make really massive gains, you need to use options.

Just consider the Lowe’s play I talked about earlier…

When my sure bet system flagged that trade, Lowe’s shares were trading at $92.86…

Just 2 weeks later, its shares jumped to $100.86.

That’s a nice 6% gain you could have pocketed by buying shares on the spike.

But following my strategy you could have pocketed an amazing 900% gain on the same move.

It’s the difference between collecting $60 on regular shares…

Or $9,000 using my strategy on the same stock move…

It’s a no-brainer.

Plus, options cost just pennies on the dollar…

So you can get started making “sure bet” trades with as little as $100.

That means you can pump up your retirement account really fast… just by using the same trading strategy the insiders do.

And because these “sure bet” trades happen all the time…

You have the chance to cash in every week.

We’re talking about the chance to pocket $9,000 in 15 days, $11,030 in 14 days… and even $10,990 in just 5 days…

And do it over and over again.

That’s how my “sure bet” system can help you amass a retirement fortune faster than you ever thought possible.

Look, I think we can all agree that Wall Street has always had an unfair advantage over the little guy…

They’ve had access to moneymaking strategies that you’ve never had…

And they’ve used them to buy their Ferraris…

Cruise on their luxury yachts…

And wine and dine at the finest restaurants all over the world…

You never had a chance live that kind of life before…

But today is your chance to turn the tables…

Because My “Sure Bet” System
Just Flagged Another Trade…

A new opportunity is setting up right now…

And it could give you a huge cash payout of $6,740 by this Friday.

Remember, “sure bets” happen fast… in 7 days or less.

This new opportunity could soar at any time.

That’s why I’d like to send you a special email with my next “sure bet” trade right away.

The subject line of that email will read:

The “Sure Bet” Trade About To Skyrocket Before Friday.

Inside it, you’ll find the name of the company that’s popped up on my "sure bet" trade system.

That means its shares could soar in the coming days…

And here’s your chance to get in on this trade today…

Before anyone else…

Before it’s front page on The Wall Street Journal…

And before this opportunity is gone forever.

And that’s just the beginning of a new project I’m calling Hot Money Trader.

It’s the world’s only trading research advisory dedicated to identifying the fastest moving “sure bets” in the market……

And putting you in position to profit from the biggest moves BEFORE they happen.

As soon as you sign up for Hot Money Trader, you’ll receive the urgent alert featuring The “Sure Bet” Trade About To Skyrocket Before Friday.

I’ll tell you the name of the company and provide step-by-step instructions on how to place the trade.

And in my follow-up email alerts, I’ll tell you exactly when to sell.

All you have to do is decide to make the “sure bet” trade…

And you could come away with $6,740 or more.

Here’s what else is coming your way as a charter member of Hot Money Trader today…

First, each week I’ll use my proprietary formula to identify “sure bet” activity in the markets…

Second, on Monday morning, and every Monday lunchtime after that, I’ll personally review each "sure bet" registered on my indicator and recommend the fastest-moving “Hot Money” trades for the week.

Third, you make one simple move on your computer or smartphone, and in five minutes, you’re set up with the chance to get RICH.

And never later than Friday!

That means you’ll receive at least 52 new "Sure Bet" trade recommendations in the coming year…

That’s 52 opportunities to collect:

$39,000 in in 8 days… $26,998 in 5 days… even $10,990 in just 5 days.

And for your convenience, everything will be spelled out in detail in your weekly Hot Money Trader alerts.

I’ll lay out my case for each new pick in every new recommendation.

If there are any changes in the pick, I’ll alert you immediately.

And when it’s time to sell, I’ll tell you in an immediate email alert.

It’s the only trading service I know of where you can get in Monday… and get out by Friday… with a chance to double or triple your money!

See how simple that is?

Just a few minutes from now…

You could have the next “sure bet” winner in the palm of your hand…

That’s a chance to earn a cash payout as high as $6,740!

Remember, a new “sure bet” trade is setting up right now…

Something big is about to happen.

It’s time to jump in… before the news hits the public.

What does membership cost?

Let me ask you this…

What would it be worth to you to collect paydays as high as $89,886 in 14 days$64,050 in 16 days… and even $194,950 in 8 days?

For those kinds of gains I could easily charge $25,000 per year…

That’s because just one winning trade would pay for your subscription many times over.

But don’t worry….

Because this is the first time ever I’ll be publishing these Hot Money trades…

Hot Money Trader will not cost $25,000… $10,000… or even $5,000.

I’ll give you details in a moment.

Simply by getting into the “Sure Bet” Trade About To Skyrocket This Friday.

It’s coming to your email inbox within minutes when you join Hot Money Trader.

And to make sure you have all of the info you need to place your first “Sure Bet” trade…

I’ll also send you a free report titled…

The “Hot Money Trader” Handbook.

Inside you’re find vital information on…

  • The full rundown on my "sure bet" strategy…
  • A quick go-to reference guide designed to answer your biggest Hot Money Trader questions at a glance…
  • A quick primer on how to use options in your online brokerage account…
  • And much more!

This short guide can be read cover to cover in less than 10 minutes…

It’s the perfect resource to get you up to speed on making “Sure Profit” trades right away…

Let's Get Started...

Everything I’ve mentioned so far is yours FREE… as soon as you become a charter member of Hot Money Trader.

Today you can join Hot Money Trader for just $2,995.

For that price, you’ll receive an amazing 52 “Sure Bet” trade recommendations in the next year.

That’s 52 opportunities to collect: $39,000 in 8 days… $26,998 in 5 days… even $10,990 in just 2 days.

And consider this…

Many of my members made enough money to pay for an annual subscription from one trade alone.

“Good day. I just wanted to let you know about my THC trades. I closed my first half with a 55% gain, as I was happy at the time with it. Then later I closed my other half for a 190% gain.” 

— Louis K.

“I got an initial fill at $0.45 and sold (while having lunch, I might add) at $1.68 … a 273% gain. Right? Nice trade.”

Mark M.

“Just sold my position for a gain of $4300 !!! Keep up the great work.”

Tom C.

“I only bought 3 contracts and I checked my account this morning NVDA was up $3.50 in the options and was starting back down so I sold at$6.81 for a gain of more than $1,000.”

- Kathleen Brown

“I’m already up $12,500. God bless you Joshua!”

Dave D.

“Love hot money trader, I've turned a few hundred dollars into a couple thousand over the past 6 months.”

Mark Weeshoven

That’s more than enough money to pay for 4 years’ worth of Hot Money Trader.

And our back testing of winning plays proves that $1,000 investment would have returned $6,740 on average per week.

That means you could more than pay for your subscription by next week.

For that reason alone, the regular price of $2,995 is already a steal.

But there is one small catch…

I have to keep our membership offer limited.

That’s why I’m only opening Hot Money Trader to the first 300 subscribers today.

So we’re going to keep this group very small.

See, my fear is that word will leak out that someone has finally figured out a way to track the “sure bets” in REAL-TIME.

Wall Street is filled with powerful people with serious connections…

They could come after me if they found that a former insider like me is spilling their secrets to help the little guy.

I don’t want that to happen.

Keep in mind I expect these 300 spots to fill up quickly.

So time is of the essence if you want to take advantage of your 52 “sure bet” trades.

If you want to join, the time to act is now.

And to make it even easier for you, I’m going to do something special…

I’m going to lower the price down to an unreal price of $1,995.

That’s right…

I’ll shave $1,000 off the regular price…

This is the lowest price we’ll ever offer…

But I’m not done yet…

I also want to offer you a special guarantee to make sure you are completely thrilled with Hot Money Trader.

My Insane $80,880 Personal Guarantee…

My team thinks I’m nuts for doing this…

But here goes…

I believe so strongly in my “sure bet” system that I’m going to make an incredible guarantee to you.

See, the average gain from my back-tested “sure bet” system is an amazing 273% in the last 18 months…

Independent Third-Party Auditor Confirms: On Average, You Could More Than Triple Your Money… Every Time You Place a Trade!

Just take a look at this letter from the auditing firm Wayson Alexander Verifications…

As you can see, after an audit of the extensive testing we conducted…

That’s 22-out-of-22 profitable trade recommendations.

They confirmed that you could have seen, on average, 273% gains each time you placed a trade.

In other words…

You could triple your money, possibly every single week!

And when you’re multiplying your money that fast…

It can grow into a fortune very quickly.

Of course, not every trade will be a winner… I’m showing you the results from only the top performing examples so you can see the power of the opportunity in front of you.

But I’m sure you’re starting to see…

This really is an entirely new way of making a fortune in the stock market every single week.

Just check out some of these returns we’ve seen in the last 18 months.

Isn't that amazing?

You could've seen total winning returns of 1,453%.

Enough to turn a $5,000 investment into $117,630.

That's what I call having ultimate freedom.

This could become your reality too.

And judging by the feedback I've received from my followers.

I'm getting a chance to help others write their own success stories too.

Folks like Tom Gilborn, a retired veteran from Lansing, Michigan.

He wrote to tell me:

“I got 1,300% and 2,200% gains. Awesome trades! After more than 6 years of trading… my biggest winners ever!”

Imagine if that happened to you…

He literally turned $2,500 into $55,000.

How much would an extra $55,000 change your life?

And he’s just one of the hundreds of examples who have already profited from tracking the “sure bet” trades.

Marco Escano says:

“I bought at $0.30 and sold at $1.55. Nice! A 416% gain. Thanks for spotting the early info!”

And Brian Vogele shares his win:

“Big shout out for the head's up. Great profit — $6,750." As you can see, these gains come so fast, you can cash out in a matter of days…

Now of course I don't have a crystal ball, and not every trade will be a winner.

As I’m sure you’re starting to see…

This really is an entirely new way of making a fortune in the stock market in 7 days or less.

Just imagine getting the chance to make tens of thousands of dollars EVERY week.

That means you can pump up your retirement account really fast… just by using the same trading strategy the insiders do.

All you need is a computer or a smartphone, and you can make money from anywhere in the world.

Just one trade like that per month would be enough to turn $1,000 into $2,730…

Do that over the course of a year…

And you can turn $12,000 into $80,880.

So that’s my guarantee to you.

By signing up for Hot Money Trader today….

You will see the chance to make at least $80,880 over the next year…

If you don’t, you get another year of Hot Money Trader (Another 52 “Sure Bet” trades!)… FREE OF CHARGE.

That’s right.

We’re fully covering the cost of your subscription.

That’s how confident I am that Hot Profits Trader will be able to give you the chance at earning life-changing profits.

Here’s What You’ll Get When You Join
Hot Money Trader Today…

A New Trade Recommendation EVERY Monday Morning:
Every Monday morning, I’ll recommend a new “sure bet” trade.
Each trade alert will walk you through each trade step-by-step. All you need to do to cash in on a “sure bet” is to follow the simple instructions.

FREE first-recommendation email, with the subject line: The “Sure Bet” Trade That Could Pay You $6,740 Before Next Week.

FREE guide: The “Sure Bet” Trade Handbook, featuring a full rundown on my strategy and a go-to reference guide designed to answer your biggest questions before you start trading.

Urgent “Sure Trade” Profit Alerts: Each time it’s time to cash in on “sure bet” profit, I’ll send you an urgent email alert with precise information on how to exit each trade for maximum gains.

Model Portfolio Updates: I’ll send you a recap of our open plays and what to do with them once big market events break.

Here We Go…

Ok, I’ve showed you the independent research…

You’ve seen the outsized gains that come from identifying “sure bets”…

You’ve seen how much money people have already made using my Hot Money Trader research…

I’ve also given you a special charter membership offer…with the lowest price, we’ll ever offer…

Plus an insane $80,880 performance guarantee…

Now it’s time for a decision…

Today, you could become one of the lucky 300 charter members who will join Hot Money Trader.

Only the first 300 who respond today will get in… Once the 300-member cap is reached, we’ll have to shut this offer down.

I estimate there are hundreds of thousands of people reading this letter right now.

So I expect the spots to fill up in a matter of hours.

You’ll need to act fast.

Just keep in mind that…

Because of the proprietary nature of the information we’re going to share with you…

And because you could end up collecting $6,740 from The “Sure Bet" Trade About To Skyrocket Before Next Friday.

We simply can’t allow any refunds on this new service.

I’m sure you can understand…

We anticipate demand for this groundbreaking service to be overwhelming…

After all, the next “sure bet” trade could be as high as $6,740.

That makes it tempting for people to sign up for the service, make a killing from the first trade and then cancel for a full refund.

Even worse, this could ruin the trade for everyone…

Including serious readers like you.

I can’t allow that to happen.

I realize that this policy may not sit well with some.

But those who dream of a chance at scoring huge “sure bet” payouts again and again will understand what we’re trying to accomplish here.

My goal today is to get you to make a life-changing decision.

Click below to get started…

Because my system just flagged a new "sure bet" trade…


(You Can Review Your Order Before It's Final)

Remember, I want you to get started immediately.

My “sure bet” system has just registered a brand-new trade…

You chance to cash in on a $6,740 “sure bet” starts today.

I’m ready to send you that email…

Will you get in on this move?

Or will you just read it on the news how others got rich from this hot money trade?

To get started, simply click the “Subscribe Now” button that you see below this letter now.

Hitting this button does not obligate you to anything.

You’ll just be directed to another page, where you can review all the details of this special offer.


(You Can Review Your Order Before It's Final)

Joshua M. Belanger
Founding Editor, Hot Money Trader

© 2019 CounterVest. All Rights Reserved. Protected by copyright laws of the United States and international treaties. This website may only be used pursuant to the subscription agreement and any reproduction, copying, or redistribution (electronic or otherwise, including on the world wide web), in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited without the express written permission of CounterVest, LLC, 540 N. Dearborn St. P.O. Box 10011, Chicago, IL 60610