Special Announcement


Here's Your ONE-TIME chance to reclaim access to Joshua Belanger’s Hands Off Retirement service for a 97% discount…

Hi, Joshua Belanger here.

I’m reaching out today to say “thank you” for being a loyal reader!

You may remember about 8 weeks ago, you received a notification from Seven Figure Publishing saying your Hands-Off Retirement subscription was no longer being offered by Agora Financial.

But since then, my inbox has been flooded with messages from readers asking me to come back.

Folks like Dave Corkern from Ft. Worth, Texas, who sent me a note saying…

“Hi Joshua, I sold my position for a gain of $4300! I wish you could keep up the great work!” – Dave Corkern

Or Susan Faulkner from Concord, New Hampshire who sent me an email saying…

“I made $1145 On NVDA in one day! Thank you Joshua very much and please come back!” – Susan Faulkner

Or Tom Roteman from Riverside, California who said…

“Hi Joshua, thanks to your expert recommendations, I was up $12,500 But now that you’re gone I’m uncertain how to find these trades on my own. Help!” – Tom Roteman

As you can see, I’ve given regular people the chance to quickly make a boatload of money!

We started Hands Off Retirement in 2017 with one goal in mind: to bring you the most explosive gains by tracking the stock market’s biggest players.

We followed the Smart Money wherever it went and found success in the most unlikely of places…

Like 125% from our SONO calls, 153% from our KMI calls and a whopping 340% on our THC calls.

And although we hit some bumps on the way, if you had purchased just two contracts of every recommendation I sent, you’d be up $2,229 today.

Five contracts would have made you over $10,000. Ten contracts, over $20,000… You get the idea.

We’ve been sitting in the green for the last 18 months!

But Here’s What I Didn’t Tell You…

Because of the overwhelming response from hundreds of readers…

I’m happy to announce you’ll be able to continue your Hands-Off Retirement membership with us today.

It’s our gift to you for being a loyal reader of Hands-Off Retirement.

So without further ado…

I’d Like to Extend to You a Special Invitation to Reclaim Your Access to Hands-Off Retirement.

That’s right, we’re bringing it back – and I’d like to reward you with the ultimate deal.

For today only, you can claim a 60-day trial offer to Hands-Off Retirement for just $199.

Normally this service costs $4,995. For charter members, we have charged as little as $1,995.

But we have never made this $199 offer before. And after today, you’ll never see this offer again.

And, like I mentioned, because you were a subscriber to Hands-Off Retirement...

You can regain access to Hands-Off Retirement at the lowest rate we’ve ever offered.

You see, I believe just one more year of this service could be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars to you…

But if you could have inside-access to ALL my research and recommendations – for the next 60 days – you could potentially make millions.

In fact, by simply putting a few hundred dollars into just one of my recommendations… you could make more money than you’ve ever thought possible.

And I have NO DOUBT that with my “Hands-Off Trading System” by your side, you’ll have the opportunity to make a fortune.

You see, my mission is to help you make profits, grow your wealth, and create the financial future of your dreams.

And the best way to get ahead in an uncertain market is to have a Wall Street “Insider” by your side, helping you navigate through the murky waters.

With this lifetime upgrade, I’m going to give you a seat at the table, so you can have UNLIMITED access to me, “America’s #1 Trader Under 40,” where I will help you stake your claim on the ground floor of the best trading opportunities in the world.

A Weekly Profit Strategy That Always Starts on Monday and Pays Out Any Winning Gains the Following Friday.

Here’s what else is coming your way as a charter member of the updated Hands-Off Retirement…

First, every Sunday night around 7 P.M, when the futures market opens for the week, I’ll use my proprietary indicator to identify unusual activity in the markets…

Second, I’ll personally review each profit spike registered on my indicator to analyze the fastest-moving trades for the week.

Third, every Monday, I’ll rush to you the #1 rated “hands-off” trade from my system so you can trade alongside the insiders.

Fourth, every Friday, I tell you when to cash-out any winning trades from the last week and watch the windfalls pour into your account.

That means you’ll receive at least 52 new “hands-off” trade recommendations in the coming year…

That’s 52 opportunities to collect $39,000 in 8 days… $26,998 in 5 days… even $10,990 in just 2 days.

And for your convenience, everything will be spelled out in detail in your weekly Hands-Off Trade Alerts.

I’ll lay out my case for each new pick in every new recommendation.

If there are any changes in the pick, I’ll alert you immediately.

And when it’s time to sell, I’ll tell you in an immediate email alert.

See how simple that is?

That’s why in just the last 18 months alone, I’ve been able to give my readers an astonishing 37 double- and triple-digit winners across my services including…

And I don’t want you to miss out on any new opportunities coming soon.

So, today, my gift to you is simple:

Right now, when you sign up for a 60-day trial membership to Hands-Off Retirement at the already discounted price of $199…

Not only will you get one 60-days of my new trade recommendations and research...

You’ll receive access to my full library of my reports, you will also receive a new weekly trade alert by email on every Monday for the next 8 weeks — along with every new special report that I publish.

Remember, the regular retail price for a one-year subscription to Hands-Off Retirement is $4,995…

But today, you have a chance to save over 97% off by taking this 60-day trial. 

You will have a full 60 days to review my work and see if this is right for you.

Above all, I want you to be happy with me and my work.

Now I’m going to go one step further. Not only will you be able to have full paid-up subscriber access during your trial period, but I’ll lock in the new-subscriber-only pricing for you.

That means that after 60 days, you’ll only be charged $1,995 for your next year of service. That’s a 60% savings off the sticker price.

That’s an astounding $3,000 less than other members will pay for just one year.

Remember, I’ve already recommended 37 double- or triple-digit winners last year and 5 already in 2020!

On average, that’s over two winners every month.

And I’m not planning on slowing down any time soon.

Just imagine how much extra money you make with this “inside” access to world of investing year after year after year.

When you think about ALL you get, it’s really a no-brainer!

You could make your money back with one successful trade.

With an average hold time of just 7 days, I show people how to get in, get out, and make money FAST.

This is a new way for you to build a retirement MUCH FASTER than the traditional ‘buy and hold’ strategy.

And these big fast gains are ONLY attainable through my “Hands-Off Trading Algorithm.”

That’s why I’m 100% that you CANNOT find this kind of profit potential anywhere else.

Because I’ll be there every step of the way to guide you through the markets.

And you won’t be shorting stocks, trading futures, or anything overly risky like that.

You can make all the trades in an easy, one-step process, with just a few clicks of the mouse or your smartphone.

But behind the scenes, my team and I are working around the clock to unearth unusual activity that could DOUBLE your money EVERY week.

My team consists of elite mathematicians, programmers, and analytics experts. And each day, we review hundreds of unusual options trades that occurred that day.

We analyze all 16 exchanges crunching billions of data points and transactions throughout the week.

Then every Monday, my system creates predictable outcomes that can help you collect more income than you'd make by simply holding the stocks.

I don’t even consider recommending a trade unless all the criteria for success are met 100% in full… which means you get a statistically rock-solid chance to at least DOUBLE your money or more in five days.

You now have access to it all… a full 60-days of Hands-Off Retirement, for only $199.

However, if you’re ready to take advantage of this 97% discount, please understand something…

I've instituted a strict no-refund policy.

This is in place to safeguard us against hackers who simply want to sign up for Hands-Off Retirement and then cancel for a refund – only to steal my research and spread it online.

That would be like years of my life flushed down the toilet.

And I’m not taking that risk.

But in the end, this policy is a benefit for you.

This offer is ONLY for people serious about learning how to become rich in this exciting way.

And we’re offering it to you only because you are a loyal reader.

I'm offering you a deep discount so that you don't hesitate to move on this.

But here’s the catch…

We Only Have 100 Spots Available Today.

As you may know, I’m very serious about limiting memberships to a small group of serious readers to ensure a shot at maximum gains.

That’s why this 60-day trial membership is ONLY for the first 100 members that respond to this offer today.

Once the slots are filled, this opportunity will be gone forever.

I can’t guarantee we’ll be able to offer a deal with this much savings ever again.

So are you with me on this?

I urge you to take action right now, because you may never see a special deal like this again.

So don’t delay another minute.

Complete the form below. 

To your wealth, freedom, and options! 


Joshua Belanger
Executive Editor, Hands-Off Retirement

WARNING: Do not click away from this page or this Instant Upgrade opportunity will disappear forever. If you are "on the fence" about your decision, I urge you to take advantage of this special offer – since it's the only time you'll see it.

Billing Terms By clicking on the “Place My Order” button, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy; to receive our promotional emails; and that your subscription to Hot Money Trader will automatically renew 60 days from now and then on annual basis until you cancel. Upon renewal of your Hot Money Trader subscription, CounterVest will charge $1,995 (plus applicable taxes) to the credit card or other means of payment on file. To cancel your subscription without incurring such renewal fee, you must do so at least one day prior to the renewal date. Annual subscribers will receive a reminder before their subscription is renewed. If you have any questions regarding your subscription, please contact our Customer Service team at 312-667-2953 or email [email protected].


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